"One of the most exciting periods in American History, if not in the history of the world, is the Harlem Renaissnace."
Harlem is a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhatten. In the early part of the twentieth century it was the major residental of Black people. There they lived their life without being suppressed by Whites and both preserved and created a culture. That's why the Harlem Renaissance is also known as the Black Literary Renaissance and the New Negro Movement. The Harlem Renaissance is a sounding call of Black innovation, freedom and creativity.
The Blacks gather together, sang their plantation songs and later made a variation called blues and one called jazz. Not only music but also literature was embossed by the Blacks with writers such as Countee Cullen, Claude McKay or Zora Neale Hurston to name just a few of them. Those writers found the voice of justice, the voice of hope and put it into words that others would hear, identify with, and understand.
On this blog you can read more about the time of the Harlem Renaissance. To see some pictures from poets, musicians, artists, paintings or fashion just klick on "Picture Gallery" on the right side.
The orange colored parts in some texts are links which guide you directly to further visual impressions such as Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World".